Archive for August, 2009


Open letter to the Town Hall Health Care Terrorists

August 31, 2009

Polite discussion time is over. You are either working towards a single payer system or you are a terrorist. This is Political Action Entertainment- Your Co-Pay for today’s visit is 25 dollazzzzz. For Really. Drop a Co Pay once a month here-

The health care debate sure has Americans talking. Seems like each administration has its own mason Dixon line diving the Regressives from the Progressives- and health care reform is that issue.

Former Presidential hopeful, proud denier of the theory of evolution, and radio blowhard Mike Huckabee joined the fray recently when he said recently honored the death of Ted Kennedy by saying

“that, under President Obama’s health care plan, Kennedy would have been told to “go home to take pain pills and die” during his last year of life.
“[I]t was President Obama himself who suggested that seniors who don’t have as long to live might want to consider just taking a pain pill instead of getting an expensive operation to cure them,” said Huckabee. “Yet when Sen. Kennedy was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at 77, did he give up on life and go home to take pain pills and die? Of course not. He freely did what most of us would do. He choose an expensive operation and painful follow up treatments. He saw his work as vitally important and so he fought for every minute he could stay on this earth doing it. “

But let us not even argue any of Mike Huckabee points. I will grant you all of them- let us shift the hypothetical argument by accepting the fairy tale world that Huckabee dwells in.
Then let me ask you this: What country would you rather live in?

The country where most of us would choose what Senator Kennedy did- an expensive operation to prolong life another year- while 1 in 6 American have NO INSURANCE- And without insurance, could they very well Mike FUCKABEE, choose like Kennedy to live out their final days in a similar manner? In country A some people much younger than Teddy die quietly because they have no insurance.

Or would you rather live in a country where everyone is covered- even if it meant that we would have to spend wiser, die more gracefully- and yes- I’ll say it again, more cost effectively- even if that meant that when one – when diagnosed with a terminal illness- at the advanced age of 70 something would have to make a cost efficient choice so that all of the 50 million without health care would have it, could have it?

I don’t want to brush over this lightly- I know this is hard to swallow. But people are dying for this. Something on the average of 20 thousand people a year. Dead because they had no health insurance.

That is more than 6x the number of people who died in 9/11.
So listen, if you knew that some foreign country would kill 20 000 American Citizens next year, you would most certainly tell me to support the troops and turn a blind eye to the billions spend by our department of defense- to avoid such a catastrophe.
And yet we see the culprit right here- our own greed- our own aversion to anything that resembles socialism- you – all of you mindless Mike Huckabee’s, you Sarah Palin soccer moms, Glenn Beck and your 9/12 minions- your reactionary zeal, your mindless lockstep zeal against healthcare reform is killing us.

You might as well bow towards Mecca, hop on a plane, hijack it and fly into the Sears tower.

6 times.

Because that is what you are doing to you own citizens you homegrown terrorist freak shows- you are killing us.

So clearly- there can be no more polite debate. Anyone opposing single payer is a terrorist.

A murderer.

Your co pay for this video is 25 dollars. Pay the fuck up.


John Stewart VS. The Death Panel Bitch

August 22, 2009

This is viewer supported. Thank you for donating:…
No, really, did I mention that creditors are crawling up my ass and I am trying to eat and shit… so.. thanks for putting the “Viewer Supported” in “VIEWER SUPPORTED POLITICAL ACTION ENTERTAINMENT”


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