
Obama On Letterman: Top Ten Reasons The President Agreed To Appear On The Late Show (VIDEO)

September 22, 2009

Okay- OKAY!!!! Here is the ACTUAL TOP TEN LIST-
Dave’s Ten Reasons The President Agreed To Appear On The Late Show. Cute Dave, cute.
10. Heard the lady with the heart shaped potato was gonna be here.
9. Thought it would be fun to watch someone else get heckled
8. Something to do with that whole cash for clunkers deal
7. Every president since Teddy Roosevelt has done it
6. Someone offers you 600 bucks you take it ladies and gentlemen
5. We told him Megan Fox would be here
4. Needed some time to hang out before check in time at his hotel
3. I have no idea
2. Said yes, without thinking, like Bush did with Iraq.
1. Wanted to congratulate Dave on the big Emmy win.


September 11 Attacks ♦ This Day in the USA ♦ September 11

September 11, 2009

The “This day in the USA” series is on hold and will re-launch on January 1st, 2010. In the meantime, you can watch This Day in the USA videos here.



September 9, 2009

Arianna is trying to spin this by saying Glenn Beck did a favor for the left, but we will need to fight back more creatively.


Thank You, Glenn Beck!, by Arinanna Huffington
Thank you, Glenn Beck. By helping force the resignation of Van Jones, you have done a great service to your country. But in the exact opposite way than what you intended.

Your vile and vicious smear campaign has helped reverse one of the worst examples of miscasting since John Wayne took on the role of Genghis Khan in The Conqueror.

Don’t get me wrong: Van Jones was the best person for the job he just gave up. But the job was not the best use of Van Jones.

Contrary to the media caricature, the real Van Jones is a thoughtful leader who knows how to use words to move people to action. To stick him behind a desk, working out the details of tax credits for green jobs — incredibly important though the job is — was never the best use of his unique and abundant skills.

This is not an attempt to put a positive spin on an ugly episode…. (continue article) 

… Oh yes it is Arianna. Those of us on the left need to get more creative in fighting back. 
Enter the 9/10 Project 



Obama Back To School Speech: FULL TEXT

September 9, 2009

These are the prepared remarks for President Obama’s back to school speech, as released on the White House website. Just thought we should all pause and read what all the fighting is about.

Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? I’m here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, kindergarten through twelfth grade. I’m glad you all could join us today.

I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, so it’s understandable if you’re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now, with just one more year to go. And no matter what grade you’re in, some of you are probably wishing it were still summer, and you could’ve stayed in bed just a little longer this morning.
Read the rest of this entry »


Banned 9/11 Commercial

September 6, 2009

So listen WORLD WILDLIFE FOUNDATION- take ur ad and shove it up your ozone hole, gabbish? We are America! We will continue to rape plunder and pillage the world and other countries for profit, to fund wall street bailouts- to continue out standard of living

Why….. Because like Smith fucking Barney says WE EARNED IT.

and, because this song groves:



September 4, 2009


September 3, 2009

As Congress prepares to get back into session and the health care debate continues to broil, one enterprising Craigs lister has posted an unusual ad- and placed the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS up for sale on Craigslist.

The Craigslist post reads (you can re- post this on Craigslist if you wish)
TEA PARTY PATRIOTS- a group of American Citizens of unknown number filled with bile, Ron Paul talking points, and a static reading of a document written by quill on parchment by of and for slave owners seeks a buyer. Group is unaware that they are to be sold; Buyer should be a foreign country, underground international slave trader or other sovereign entity that acts above the commonly held laws of human decency. Do with them what you will. Shipping included. AS IS NO RETURNS. Buyer should be prepared to take delivery on or before September 12th.

THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, your donations help keep this going. Thank you.


Topless And Muzzled In Italian Vogue: Promoting Film

September 2, 2009

Rhianna, Scorsesse and comedian Sarah Silverman team up &
Rhianna appears topless and muzzled in Italian Vougue to promote the project.
Hold onto your codpieces-


Open letter to the Town Hall Health Care Terrorists

August 31, 2009

Polite discussion time is over. You are either working towards a single payer system or you are a terrorist. This is Political Action Entertainment- Your Co-Pay for today’s visit is 25 dollazzzzz. For Really. Drop a Co Pay once a month here- https://operationitch.wordpress.com/about/donate

The health care debate sure has Americans talking. Seems like each administration has its own mason Dixon line diving the Regressives from the Progressives- and health care reform is that issue.

Former Presidential hopeful, proud denier of the theory of evolution, and radio blowhard Mike Huckabee joined the fray recently when he said recently honored the death of Ted Kennedy by saying

“that, under President Obama’s health care plan, Kennedy would have been told to “go home to take pain pills and die” during his last year of life.
“[I]t was President Obama himself who suggested that seniors who don’t have as long to live might want to consider just taking a pain pill instead of getting an expensive operation to cure them,” said Huckabee. “Yet when Sen. Kennedy was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at 77, did he give up on life and go home to take pain pills and die? Of course not. He freely did what most of us would do. He choose an expensive operation and painful follow up treatments. He saw his work as vitally important and so he fought for every minute he could stay on this earth doing it. “

But let us not even argue any of Mike Huckabee points. I will grant you all of them- let us shift the hypothetical argument by accepting the fairy tale world that Huckabee dwells in.
Then let me ask you this: What country would you rather live in?

The country where most of us would choose what Senator Kennedy did- an expensive operation to prolong life another year- while 1 in 6 American have NO INSURANCE- And without insurance, could they very well Mike FUCKABEE, choose like Kennedy to live out their final days in a similar manner? In country A some people much younger than Teddy die quietly because they have no insurance.

Or would you rather live in a country where everyone is covered- even if it meant that we would have to spend wiser, die more gracefully- and yes- I’ll say it again, more cost effectively- even if that meant that when one – when diagnosed with a terminal illness- at the advanced age of 70 something would have to make a cost efficient choice so that all of the 50 million without health care would have it, could have it?

I don’t want to brush over this lightly- I know this is hard to swallow. But people are dying for this. Something on the average of 20 thousand people a year. Dead because they had no health insurance.

That is more than 6x the number of people who died in 9/11.
So listen, if you knew that some foreign country would kill 20 000 American Citizens next year, you would most certainly tell me to support the troops and turn a blind eye to the billions spend by our department of defense- to avoid such a catastrophe.
And yet we see the culprit right here- our own greed- our own aversion to anything that resembles socialism- you – all of you mindless Mike Huckabee’s, you Sarah Palin soccer moms, Glenn Beck and your 9/12 minions- your reactionary zeal, your mindless lockstep zeal against healthcare reform is killing us.

You might as well bow towards Mecca, hop on a plane, hijack it and fly into the Sears tower.

6 times.

Because that is what you are doing to you own citizens you homegrown terrorist freak shows- you are killing us.

So clearly- there can be no more polite debate. Anyone opposing single payer is a terrorist.

A murderer.

Your co pay for this video is 25 dollars. Pay the fuck up.


John Stewart VS. The Death Panel Bitch

August 22, 2009

This is viewer supported. Thank you for donating: https://operationitch.wordpress.com/ab…
No, really, did I mention that creditors are crawling up my ass and I am trying to eat and shit… so.. thanks for putting the “Viewer Supported” in “VIEWER SUPPORTED POLITICAL ACTION ENTERTAINMENT”

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LOOK HERE!!!! The Top Ten News Stories of the decade:

The Top Ten Most influential people of the decade


Obama: F*&k THA POLICE!

July 27, 2009

Recently, President Obama weighed in on the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates- African-American- ,saying Sgt James Crowley of the Cambridge police department “acted stupidly” when he arrested Gates for disorderly conduct. Not very Presidential, but as it turns out, legally correct.


Chris Brown Publicly Apologizes For Beating Rihanna (and why we care)

July 23, 2009

THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, your donations help keep this going. Thank you.


An Orgasm a Day to keep Capitalism Away

July 14, 2009

According to an article in the times UK

A National Health Service leaflet is advising school pupils that they have a “right” to an enjoyable sex life and that regular intercourse can be good for their cardiovascular health.

The advice appears in guidance circulated to parents, teachers and youth workers, and is intended to update sex education by telling pupils about the benefits of sexual pleasure. For too long, say its authors, experts have concentrated on the need for “safe sex” and loving relationships while ignoring the main reason that many people have sex, that is, for enjoyment.

Alongside the slogan “an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away”, it says: “Health promotion experts advocate five portions of fruit and veg a day and 30 minutes’ physical activity three times a week. What about sex or masturbation twice a week?”

THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, your donations help keep this going. Thank you.


Barack Obama- Wiki entry

July 13, 2009

THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, your donations help keep this going. Thank you.

TRy grabbing this and adding it to WIKIPEDIA. See if it can stay up! 

Barack Hussein Obama 2nd pronounced [yoo mey fahynd yoor-self in ey byoo-tuh-fuhl hous with ey byoo-tuh-fuhl wahyf and yoo mey ahsk yoor-self: hou did ahy get heer ? ] is the 44th and current President of the Unites States a position he holds concurrent with the obscure but all-powerful post of FIRST Overseer, Savior and heartthrob imposing zugzwang. TEXT acronym “fo shiz”

He is the first African American to hold the office, and he previously held positions as the junior senator from Illinois, assistant manager of the Harvard co-op bookstore in Cambridge, and boom operator and best boy for the popular MTV series Jackass.

As the star of the scripted television series, the Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama is also the first work of fiction to be elected president. The pilot episode for The Audacity of Hope was filmed at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Now in its fifth season, The unorthodox series combines elements of reality TV, Orwellian double speak, and relies heavily on an online, “Second life” esque element and aims to merge seamlessly with what most people now view as reality.

Executive producer Norman Lear, who created such TV hits as ALL IN THE FAMILY, THE JEFFERSONS and MAUDE heads a talented team of 100s of writers who now work around the clock and all over the world.

Some critics lament that most of the writers are also lobbyists and that the show has lost the edge that captivated America in earlier seasons. LEAR alternately responds to such criticism in iambic pentameter:
“Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!

You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout

Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the cocks!”

Obama began his historic run for the presidency in February 2007. A massive product placement campaign with CNN, MSNBC and the Huffington Post ensured 24-hour hyperbolically orgasmic coverage for Barack for the duration of the presidential race. This combined with 150 years of built up white guilt ensured victory.

In the 2008 general election he defeated an American war hero and his running mate, a female Barbie born of a virgin who rode into town on the white horse of the apocalypse. Obama and was inaugurated into office on January 20, 2009.

All of the world worries will vanish by January 20, 2010.


Kokesh for Congress: Healthcare Shrugged?

July 7, 2009

Intro: IVAW leader and anti war activist Adam Kokesh is now a legit contender for Congress. With the blessing and support of the Ron Paul Revolution, Kokesh is running as a Republican in New Mexicos 3rd district in 2010. The idea that the Republican party is an empty vessel came from a recent conversation between Adam Kokesh and Rand Paul. Both men are 2010 Congressional candidates. Both are libertarian Rand Paul is the son of Dr. Paul who is the man who is likely to run for the US Senate seat that Senator Jim Bunning is likely to vacate.

THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, thank you for your donations.

a related video from THIS DAY in the USA

Manifest Destiny’s Child ♦ This Day in the USA ♦ July 7


An Open letter to the Progressive movement

July 6, 2009

Dear Progressives, or liberals, or whatever labels you proudly wear or your worldview has occasioned others to foist upon you.

I’m Davis Fleetwood, I am one of you, and I’d like a few moments of your time.

Our movement, if the loose connection of websites and facebook pages and email circles we bounce around on can be called a movement, is failing.

Despite the laudable and truly valiant efforts of groups like Iraq Vets Against the War and Individuals such as Cindy Sheehan, David Swanson Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader and even Dennis Kucinich- Single payer healthcare has been marginalized to the fringes and all but removed from the debate, the peace movement is a complete failure, the new energy bill could actually make the environment worse, and we are no closer to a two state solution and justice for Palestine than we were under Ronald Regan.
Consider the following.

Policy is made from the center. All of our efforts in the past have been an effort to move the policy makers to the left.

We should instead focus on moving the entire center to the left.

The right wing has outfoxed us. They have their religious fanatics and their libertarians, and their Glenn Beck enthusiasts. All of those constituencies are dismissed by mainstream media and policy makers, – but their voice is loud enough to be added to the conversation, and the next thing you know the center has moved RIGHT.

Think of it like a cycling team- a few of us need to break from the pack, race out ahead, in hopes of wearing out the other teams cyclists. A few of us need to go WAY left of liberal- I mean cartoonishly left of liberal, and enough of us have to do so in enough different forums with enough conviction and sincerity so that we begin to drag the conversation the whole paradigm, LEFT. In doing so, the center- where policy is made, will follow. I’m that cyclist breaking from the pack.

In support of just such a strategy I invite you on two journeys. First, so that we know where we are going, we need to revisit the past. And I will do so in my “this day in the USA project.” 365 videos in 365 days, re-telling the history of the United States one day at a time. This project will live on a new YouTube channel- subscribes, grab it share it blog it blast it, make it the most subscribed channel this week. Give it credibility.

Certainly, the scholars among you will be able to poke holes in my daily video essays, but my lie’s will tell a greater truth while injecting a much needed sense of humor into our holier than thou disposition.
Looking to the future, I have started the 9/10 Project. The rejoinder to the Glenn Beck 9/12 project – the 9/10 project is interested in post American cartography.

That is right- the 9/10 project is so liberal and progressive as to be an open source brainstorming effort to bring about the peaceful break up of the United States.
Think of it like friends don’t let friends drive drunken campaign on a global scale. Citizens should not let their country lock and load and step on the gas pedal accelerating towards Armageddon.

Do I expect or even want the 9/10 Project to succeed?


But my mistake- our mistake- in the past has always been to fight directly for what we wanted.

If an archer is trying to hit the target and the wind is coming from her left, she must aim accordingly. In aiming for a progressive agenda, the 9/10 project is aiming way to the left of said agenda, with full knowledge of the powerful forces blowing against it.

Got any other ideas?

Do share.

See also
THIS DAY in the USA on YouTUBE • THE HERMIT on YouTUBE • Davis Fleetwood facebook fan pagetwitter

This is viewer supported political action entertainment, thank you for your donations.


Fireworks/ This Day in the USA -July 4th

July 4, 2009

On this day in 1845, Henry David Thoreau begins his 2 year term as the original hermit, In 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the Unites States in Paris, and of course it was on this day in 1776, when the brave warriors of the American colonies, with a deep respect to the opinions of mankind, declared the causes which impelled them to seek separation from England.
THIS DAY IN THE USA: One day at a time. 365 Days. 365 videos. Day one: July 4, 2009.

Davis Fleetwood is also on FACEBOOK YOUTUBE & TWITTER


Independence Day

July 1, 2009

This July 4th, Independence day, I am launching my most ambitious project to date: I will be re-telling the history of the United States of America. Grab a rocking chair, some lemonade and a note pad. There will be an exam.

THIS DAY IN THE USA: One day at a time. 365 Days. 365 videos. Day one: July 4, 2009.

Davis Fleetwood is also on FACEBOOK YOUTUBE & TWITTER

This is viewer supported, thank you for your donations.



June 26, 2009

Transcript Iranian ambassador claiming that the CIA is responsible for the murder of NEDA, below the break.
Davis Fleetwood is also on FACEBOOK YOUTUBE TWITTER
This is viewer supported, thank you for your donations.

Read the rest of this entry »


Will.I.Am vs. Perez Hilton • Hermit History Lesson #4 • this day in history: june 24

June 24, 2009

A special report for TheUmpteenthtimes.com • Hermit History Lesson #4 

According to MTV

the couple in happier times

the couple in happier times

“It’s the biggest pop-culture blowout of the summer: the alleged assault of Perez Hilton by Black Eyed Peas manager Liborio “Polo” Molina in Toronto on Monday morning, and the resulting war of words that has erupted between the celebrity blogger and BEP rapper Will.I.Am.

It began with some frantic, early-morning tweets and has grown to encompass multiple response videos, grainy camera-phone footage, the Toronto Police Service, GLAAD, TMZ, “Access Hollywood,” every celebrity’s Twitter page and finally, some litigious threats from personal attorneys.”

Why do we care?  Interestingly enough the historical events of June 24 offer some clues.