Archive for the ‘Drunken Politics Radio’ Category


Prop 8: A message from the group behind the passing of prop 8 (“Stop Blaming Us”)

December 20, 2008

l_344140f5d9361c895cafaf7b4654b8a1Drunken Politics Radio • Operation Itch VIDEO     
see all posts in: HUMOR         Allison Kilkenny  

A very special message from the very special group behind the passing of Proposition 8 in California, the legal measure that banned gay marriage.


Interview with Eugene Jarecki, director of “Why We Fight”

December 12, 2008

l_344140f5d9361c895cafaf7b4654b8a1Drunken Politics RadioOperation Itch VIDEO
This is the first part of a 5 part interview with Eugene Jarecki. The rest of the interview is below the jump. Eugene Jarecki is the director of Why We Fight, which won the 2005 Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. He is also the author of the newly released book, The American Way of War, in which Jarecki presents a succinct explanation of why modern presidents can make war whenever they feel like it.
SEE/ HEAR the rest of the interview below the break:
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